What I'm Thankful For: 2015

If you've been following this blog for any amount of Octobers, you know that it's my practice on Canadian Thanksgiving to compile a list of things I am grateful for.

Obviously, gratitude is not a once-a-year event, but what a golden opportunity for a Christian to take this time and reflect on how God has blessed her in so many ways. Here goes.

Life. I am grateful for a beating heart and mobile limbs and lungs filled with fresh air and the simple opportunity to wake up to a new morning and see and smell and act and do and dream and experience living in God's world.

Octobers. I am grateful for changing seasons and especially Octobers in Nova Scotia (if you've never experienced one, you seriously need to Google some pictures) and skies that are deep, deep blue and crunchy leaves and fuzzy socks and hot tea and blankets and air that smells like cold and smoke and spices.

New opportunities. I am grateful that God is opening doors for me and giving me wisdom as I pursue my dreams and allowing me to meet new people and go new places and try new things and encounter new ideas and work hard to achieve goals.

People I love. I am grateful for my dad and my mom and Travis and my extended family and my church family and simply that God has given me a whole beautiful mess of people to love me and text me and laugh with (and occasionally at) me and make me cookies and study God's Word with me and disciple me and loan me movies and pray with and for me and teach me and encourage me and counsel me about the scary, wonderful world ahead.

Purpose. I am grateful that God has created me and this earth with a purpose and that He adopted me as His child when I did nothing to deserve it and in fact did everything to deserve death. I am grateful that I have been given life forever and a moment on this earth to make an impact for God's glory. I am grateful that everything around me has meaning and motion and God is with me.

What are you thankful for?