Growing in Grace: June 2012

Here's a roundup of some of the best articles of this month, designed for your edification and growth in grace!

  • God Desires All to Be Saved, and Grants Repentance to Some - This topic has been heavily debated for a ridiculously long amount of time, but this article by John Piper shares some great thoughts on this.
  • Why You Can't White-Knuckle Your Way Into Holiness -  "Though we may pay lip-service to the idea of asking God for a hand of assistance, we typically feel the bulk of responsibility. We're left to deal with the day-to-day business of attacking our indwelling sin—and that business gets frustrating pretty fast as we keep falling back on our face in the same ugly sins. It's a constantly discouraging task. But praise God—white-knuckling our way into holiness isn't the way of the gospel." 
  • Heaven Tourism - Tim Challies has a great article on the recent boom in travelling to heaven and back.
  • Warning: Photoshopped Women - "Skinny models and photoshopped images are symptoms of an underlying problem. Why is our society obsessed with female perfection? Why do we hold ourselves and the women around us to a ridiculous standard of a fantasy? What’s the real reason?"
  • Take Courage - Kevin DeYoung shares a quote by Wilhelmus A Brakel from The Christian's Reasonable Service, Volume 3.
  • Different, Yet the Same - In this short and sweet post by Nicole Whitacre, she looks at the constancy of sin, but even more importantly, the constancy of Christ.
  • Summers Are for Gospel Reminders - "Tragically for too many Christians, summer is the season of spiritual drift. As the days get longer and hotter we are tempted towards spiritual laziness. Which is why we cannot take a season off from making every effort to grow in godliness."