Why Are People Who Work At the Dollar Store So Sad?

Every time I visit my local Dollarama, I see the same people.

I invariably meet one (or more) of four regular employees. There's the lady in her sixties with tattoos covering both arms. There's the guy with glasses and a brownish-grey mustache. There's the woman with fluffy, close-cropped orange hair, and then there's the middle-aged brunette.

But I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen all of these people smile. And it's never at me (except for the professional smiles the brunette gives me).

This morning the orange-haired lady rang me through with the most depressed spirits. I countered with my cheeriest voice, asked her how she was doing today, made a joke (yeah, it was lame, but it was a joke). Still, nothing. She seemed disengaged, so sad at life.

You don't meet cheerful people at the Dollarama and that's terrible. Why are they so sad? Why?

I can give you one reason: they must not have hope.

Christians are not permanently depressed, constantly joyless, forever unhappy. While many still struggle with depression, they have a compelling and lasting joy to cling to.

I don't think the people at the dollar store do. Why else would they live in perpetual sadness and boredom? I can only feel sorry for them.

So what's the point of all this?

I guess it's that if you're a Jesus-follower, be happy. Be happy because you have a reason to be happy. Be happy because your life is not a waste. Be happy because you have an eternal reason to smile. Just do it. Enjoy joy.

Love God, and be happy in Him.