Your Saturday Smile: Top 10 Edition

In order, here are the ten most popular Saturday Smiles of 2015:

10. Silent Letters Edition - This is such an interesting video. Have you ever wondered why in the world we have all these words (60-ish %, in fact) that have silent letters? Wonder no more! This video dispels your (and my) ignorance.

9. Dad Jokes Edition - This video is dedicated to Dad and all the many fake laughs Travis and I have shared. Thanks, Dad, for scarring us for life.

8. Australian Hiccup Edition - My hat is off to this kid. This is the image of professionalism. He's definitely going places.

7. Good Sportsmanship Edition - These high school players will make you happy. I guarantee it.

6. #SingItKitty Edition - One child. One bicycle. One singing kitty. Need I say more?

5. High School Encouragement Edition - "Sauve anonymously uploaded 657 photos to Instagram account 'thebenevolentone3' of students from all four grades over 11 months, each with a paragraph explaining why he thinks they're great. It wasn't until his graduation speech on June 6 that he revealed himself."

4. Strawberry Pie Edition - Best recipe video ever.

3. World's Deadliest Animals Edition - What animals kill the most humans every year? You might be surprised.

2. Ice Creams of the World Edition - Here are twenty frozen treats from around the world.

1. Selfie PSA Edition - Selfie sticks. Who knew they could be so dangerous? If you know someone using these terrible devices, please share this video with them.

Happy first Saturday of 2016, peoples!