The Annual Christmas Countdown: The Introduction

So, things are crazy. Things are always crazy (c'est la vie) but combine a new retail job, the holiday season, and three courses to be finished by Christmas, and things seem to kick into overdrive. Thus my annual practice of posting every day of December until Christmas took a bit more finagling this year, a bit more writing in advance, and a bit more scheduling. Nevertheless, it is all coming together, so (as has been my practice in recent years) expect to see new content every day until Christmas.

This post is a mere introduction to the series. Over the next month you can expect to see everything from videos to quotes to songs to Scripture to links to advent readings to even (hold your breath) a real homemade post by me every once in a while. You'll find reflections and craziness and fun and seriousness and, I hope, edification and encouragement.

The holiday season has come too soon for some, too late for others, but it's here and I'm ready to embrace it. Let the Christmas countdown begin.

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