Happy Reformation Day

"[Today] much of the culture will be focused on candy and things that go bump in the night. Protestants, however, have something far more significant to celebrate on October 31." - Robert Rothwell

Indeed we do. It's Reformation Day, a time that we remember an October 31 almost five hundred years ago, in 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the church door and began the world-shaking Protestant Reformation. Below are some articles, free resources, quotes, and encouragement about Reformation Day. 

What is Reformation Day All About? - "(W)hat is the significance of Reformation Day, and how should we consider the events it commemorates?"

A Quote from Calvin on Why God Raised up Luther - John Calvin wrote this a mere twenty-six years after the first Reformation Day had happened and its already massive effects had started to play out. 

The Light Shines on All-Hallows' Eve - Even if we went to the television stations, the radios, the malls, and the schools and told them it was Reformation Day, culture isn't going to let us forget that today is Halloween. Jon Bloom writes about modern Halloween and our celebration of Reformation Day. 

Reformation Then and Now, Here and There - How is the Protestant Reformation commemorated in other cultures? Are the ideas of the Reformation dying out of our western culture? Here's a look at the Reformation's influences over different cultures today.

Is the Reformation Over? - But perhaps you're simply wondering, what is the big deal? Don't Catholics and Protestants pretty much believe the same thing? In several concise categories, Kevin DeYoung explains exactly what we disagree on, from salvation and the sacraments to Scripture and Mary.

Free Reformation Day Resources - Until midnight tonight, Ligonier Ministries is offering two online studies, three e-books, and an audiobook free. All of these resources pertain to the Protestant Reformation. Don't miss out!