Your Saturday Smile: Laughing Edition

How many different ways are there to laugh? has nine:

[guh-faw, guh-]
A guffaw is a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter; as a verb, it means "to laugh in a loud and boisterous manner." The word is of Scottish origin and is thought to be imitative of the sound of such laughter. This word entered English in the early 1700s, around the same time as the similar but short-lived gawf, which means "to laugh loudly."

When delivering a punch line, comedic performers want nothing more than to elicit a boff. This term, which means "a loud hearty laugh" in the above example, can also mean "to cause to be overcome with laughter" and "a joke or humorous line." Boff arose in the entertainment industry in the mid-1900s, probably as a shortening of the word boffo meaning "a joke or punch line." The similar-sounding Italian word buffo translates to "funny; comical" and shares a root with the term buffoon.