Let's Talk About Kermit Gosnell

It seems nobody much wants to talk about Kermit Gosnell these days. In fact, if you're like I was a few weeks ago, you haven't even heard of Kermit Gosnell. And that's just the way abortionists, pro-choice advocates and secular newspapers all over the world would like to keep it. That's why nothing much has been said about one of the biggest abortion trials in American history.

But it's time to talk about Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell is a 72 year old abortionist from Pennsylvania who has run a horrifying and hideous little abortion clinic for over thirty years, making millions of dollars through both murder and infanticide. He is on trial right now for eight counts of murder, a woman who came to him for an abortion and seven newborn babies.

My dad rounded up a collection of well-written, thought-provoking and heart-breaking articles by well-known Christians on the subject of Gosnell and the horrors surrounding him. I'd encourage you to check it out here and realize the need to stand up for life in these dark days ahead.

"You [God] are the only safe place for the suffering. You are the helper of the fatherless, children dashed to pieces on the bloodstained table of terror at the Women’s Society in West Philadelphia. You are the helper of the helpless marathon watchers wounded without cause or reason. You are the helper of people all over the globe helpless to understand or explain these massacres. We can’t explain this now, and we’ll never be able to change it, but you, our God, are a God who demands justice and executes it perfectly. You are a safe place for all the sorrowful, confused, and slain, whoever will trust you, even while we can’t see you in the midst of these scary scenes." - Marshall Segal