Your Saturday Smile: Baseball Edition

In honour of the 2012 Major League Baseball playoffs, here are five jokes for your Saturday smile - baseball edition!

1. "Do you know who broke my window?"
        "No, but can I have my baseball back?"

2. I couldn't figure out why the baseball was getting closer ... and then it hit me!

3. Why did the baseball player bring a pacifier to the game? Because he wanted to play like "the Babe."

4. A boy stood alone on the baseball field, engrossed in throwing a ball up in the air and swinging as it came down. But each time, the ball plopped to the ground right in front of him. Undaunted, the little fellow would again pick up the ball and toss it in the air. Again he would take a mighty swing, and again the baseball would thud to the ground. A man who had been watching this sad exhibition had to speak up. “Not having much luck, are you, little man?” 
      “What do you mean?” the boy asked.
      “Well, I've been watching you for 15 minutes, and you haven't hit one ball.”
      “Shows how good I am!” the boy said back with a wide grin. “I’m a pitcher!”

5. Why does the pitcher raise one leg when he pitches? Because if he raised two, he'd fall down!