Thinking about Thinking

Yesterday in my devotions I found myself in Psalm 104. Verse 34 really caught my attention:
"May my meditation be pleasing to him [God]for I rejoice in the Lord."
This really intrigued me, so after a quick search on ESV Online, I found some other verses in the Psalms quite similar, like Psalm 19:14 for example:
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." 
What David (the author of Psalm 19) and the author of Psalm 104 are saying is, "Let my thinking - the thoughts I dwell on deep in my heart that no one else can ever know - be pure and honouring to God." When I realized that, I started really thinking about thinking.

How often do we hear messages and Bible Studies and read books on making our actions and speech honouring to God? Everybody pushes for pure words and pure actions - in other words, everything that other people can see. But what about your thoughts, the only thing that no one but you can see? Often, we forget about that. But David and the Psalmist certainly didn't. They prayed that their thoughts, their meditations, would be pleasing, or acceptable, to God. Because even if no other human being can read your mind, the Lord can.

So why don't you think about thinking? Yes, let's still try to make our actions and words glorify God, but let's also work on making our thoughts glorify God.