Thanksgiving: A Day to Give Thanks to the One Who Deserves It

Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians! I hope you've been enjoying this special weekend where we get to consume large amounts of turkey and give thanks and enjoy our many blessings. I know I have. Before our family heads over to some friends' house for Thanksgiving dinner, I want to share with you some of the things that I'm thankful for. Yesterday, in Sunday School, before he began the lesson, my dad invited us to say things we were thankful for, and reminded us not to pop off a quick "I'm thankful for my family," "I'm thankful for my dog," etc., etc. but to remember Who we're giving thanks to, and why we give Him thanks. So I encourage you today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, remember what this holiday should truly be about: giving thanks to the One Who deserves it.

I am thankful for the Lord giving me ....

  • the Word of God, and how it is alive and sharper than a two-edged sword, how it guides and corrects, and how it reveals and blesses
  • a reminder that He never gives up on me
  • His everlasting love
  • a cat that blesses us with recreation and enjoyment
  • the opportunity to gather with God's people three times a week to worship freely, without being restricted by family, disabilities, or government
  • the blessing of giving my Friday nights to serve at Kid's Club and to see the kids I've grown to love hear the gospel for, most of them, the first time, and to see them so excited about learning about the Word of God
  • the blessing of being able to read God-honouring literature without worrying about laws preventing me from reading it
  • my mother, who chooses not to work so that she can educate Travis and me in a godly setting, and who takes so much time to teach me how to be a godly young woman
  • my brother, who teaches me new things about God every day, who reminds me of the virtue of patience, and who demonstrates God's grace to me
  • my dad, who leads our family humbly, with the sole desire to see us grow closer to each other and closer to God, who leads a congregation, but never neglects his family, who teaches me every day what it means to serve the Lord
  • my church family, who in these past two and a half years, I've come to love, who've taught me the Word of God faithfully, who've supported me always, who've been faithful to pray for me, who've demonstrated God's love to me
  • my friends, all over this continent, who've blessed me with edification and encouragement, who've laughed with me, cried with me, and been a support to me through the good times and the bad, who've reminded me of God's compassion, who've loved me
  • my grandparents, who've taught me new things, who've loved me unconditionally, and who've always been there for me
  • His Son, Who died on a wooden cross, Who's blood covered my debts, Who made me a new creation
  • His forgiveness 
  • and salvation, so that I can magnify Him and thank Him always, for He is good, He is faithful, and He is loving
So what are you thankful for?