Bay of FUN-dy

Yesterday, after the church service, Dad, Mom, Travis, Grandpa and I headed down to a cottage on the Bay of Fundy. To see what my dad got out of the trip, you can check out here. The day was really incredible! One thing that was so amazing was the way everything worked. I mean, take the tides for instance. Look at two pictures of the same boat, one at high tide and one at low tide.

High tide

Low tide

There's only six hours between the two tides! How amazing is that?

Or take the little waterfall rushing over the cliff, just twenty feet away from the edge of the water (it's twenty feet away from the water at low tide; at high tide, the waterfall falls right into the ocean). The waterfall has nearly two dozen tiny, intricate paths flowing right through the rocks and into the ocean. How cool is that?

Or look at the little church on the cliff.

Do you think that cliff could support all those buildings and hundreds of trees? But it does!

All of this, the tides, the waterfall, and the cliff are all working smoothly, together. I mean, if the cliff collapsed, the waterfall would fall with it. If the tide always remained at high tide, you could never even see the waterfall. It's so intricate, so designed. I don't know evolutionists or atheists look at something like this and say, "There's no God." This is like a painting, a beautiful work of art. People don't look a that painting and say, "There's no artist."

The Bay of Fundy testifies to God's existence. It's almost impossible to look at something like this and ignore God. You can feel God's hand at work. You can know for sure that only God could create something so beautiful, so intricate, so magnificent as the Bay of Fundy.

"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created." -- Revelation 4:11