Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

Say What?!
(James 1:13-15)

Temptation is not from God. That's true. God can't be tempted by men and will not tempt anyone. In this sermon we learned of three things:
  1. Temptation
  2. Sin: Desires Illegitimate Child
  3. Death: Desires Grotesque Grand-baby
James gives an illustration for each one of these things.
  • Temptation: Temptation is like a fish and a hook. We are the fish, sin is the hook. Satan often disguises sin to make it look fun and good. Just like, bait on a hook. The fish bite down on the yummy bait, only to have a metal hook thrust through their mouth, and taken to the surface.
  • Sin and Death: Sin and death are like birth. Our sinful desires give birth to sin. Sin, then gives birth to death.
Temptation is like 'Little Billy.' You don't know the story? Let me tell it to you. Little Billy is playing outside in the front yard. Billy's dad is sitting on the porch, watching Billy. Billy gets a little to close to the street. "Billy, get back in the yard," hollers Billy's dad. "Yes, sir," Billy replies. A little while later, Billy's dad, looks up from his newspaper at Billy. He's now on the street. Billy's dad walks over and gives Billy a little whack. "I said to stay in the yard." "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." A few minutes later, Billy's dad looks up for the final time. There's Billy playing jacks on the street. "It's time to come on home now, son. Time to come home."

God only gives us so many chances. Just so you know, though, not all sin is from Satan. No, lots of times temptation comes from us. Our sinful desires tempt us. For example, the story of David and Bathsheba. Never once did it mention Satan in there. David sinned all on his own. But, the good news is in 1 Corinthians 10:13. God will not allow us to be tempted more than we can handle, and will provide a way of escape. We have the power to get out of temptation. You and me have got the power.