This Is The Daughter I Want To Raise

One of the most magical (and mind-blowing!) things about being pregnant is that you have a whole person inside you.

She’s not just a clump of cells. She’s a person. And when this person comes out and enters the world, she’ll have her own looks, personality, imagination, interests, and desires.

My daughter won't be a mini-me, a mere carbon copy robot. She'll be her own beautiful individual.

Yet God has given me, as her mother, a special responsibility to care for her and cultivate her soul. He's given me instruction to raise her in the fear and discipline of the Lord.

I know she will not be perfect. I know that I won't be perfect. I know we will learn so much along the way, that I will grow so much as a parent.

But when I think about this beautiful girl that I get to meet any day now, here's who I'll be trying to raise...

Someone courageous.

There are many reasons to fear in this world. I want to raise a daughter who fights those fears. A daughter who won't remain silent when she should speak up. A daughter who uses her voice to defend the weak. A daughter who doesn't shrink back from the hard things God has for her. A daughter who is valiant in the face of adversity.

Someone kind.

I also want to raise a daughter who loves others. A daughter who cares about people but is not controlled by them. A daughter who is a servant but not a pushover. A daughter who is compassionate, thoughtful, and considerate.

Someone secure.

I want to raise a daughter who is secure in her identity. A daughter who is comfortable in the skin God put her in. A daughter who is not flighty and ruled by her emotions. A daughter who is confident in her purpose and knows she is greatly loved.

Someone who seeks truth.

I most want to raise a daughter who follows Jesus. I know that I can't change her heart, though. Only God can. So I will pray every day that he does. But what I can do is teach her about truth. I want to raise a daughter who loves learning. A daughter who pursues the truth at all costs. A daughter who is humble and teachable. A daughter who knows the source of truth and seeks wisdom there.

This is not a wish list of traits or expectations I will have for my daughter. It's more about me than her, my mission statement as her mom. This is the kind of person I want to be, the kind of woman I want to be.

So I want to work intentionally to reinforce these things with my daughter. I want to raise a courageous, kind, secure and well-loved truth-seeker.

But first, I can't wait to meet her.

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