2019: A Year In Review

2019 was quite the year.

There was a lot. Just, of everything. On a global scale, there were storms, shootings, scandals, messes, madness, losses, politics, and pain. But there was also goodness and grace. There were sin and failure, yes, but there also remained God’s persistent and perpetual faithfulness. And because of that, there was hope. There was joy. There was life.

On a personal scale, it’s been quite the year, definitely the biggest, most life-changing year of my life.

I got married. I moved out of my parents’ house for the first time. I got pregnant. I traveled to Paris and New York, Norway and New Brunswick. I read more books. I helped renovate a house (okay, mostly just by providing design insight and painting….) I served in my church. I made new friends. I grew in tremendous ways, was stretched beyond what I’ve ever been before. God was deeply kind to me this year.

One thing I’ve been thinking about with the start of a new decade (and a new season of life) is how important it is for God’s people to remember God’s faithfulness.

To look back with gratitude and to look forward with hope because of what God has done. No matter what 2020 will hold, God will still be faithful. We know that because we look back and glimpse all the pinpoints of grace and mercy in 2019. If we are still breathing, God’s faithfulness is evident!

Remembering helps us move forward with joy. We know God is holding us together. He held us fast in 2019 and he will hold us fast in 2020.

I don’t know what 2020 holds. I’m pretty confident it will be another doozy for me (I mean, I’m having my first baby!). But I want to walk into it with faith and excitement, not anxiety, because I know who holds 2020 in his hands. And I believe that he is strong enough and good enough to make this year exactly what you and I need it to be.

Happy New Year, friends.


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