Those Days You Want to Punch the World in the Face

Don't act like you don't have those days too. 

We all have those frustrating, tinglingly irritable days. Nothing is wrong, and everything is wrong. The world is out to get us at every twist and turn. Every stop light, every customer, every family member, every inanimate object is part of a global conspiracy to ruin our day. 

And it works. We're about ready to punch the world in the face.

My question is: how do we honor God on those days?

I actually hate that question. At least, my sinful self does. Because who's the focus of it? Not me. Not my bad day. The question answers itself. In those frustrating days, we're not "let off the hook" from honoring God. These are the days when it counts the most. When we're wrestling with sin and selfishness, that's when our faith is tested. 

Do we really believe God is more worthy than us? Do we really believe our happiness is in Him? Do we really believe He's better than anything? Do we really trust Him more than our feelings? And will we really act on that trust?

Those days we are tired and angry at life, the ones where everyone and everything bothers us, will we honor God? Will we pray? Will we soak in the peace-inducing words of Scripture? 

Those are the questions we face. The way we answer them changes our day. 

Even more, the way we answer them changes our life.