
Note: Despite being in Vancouver (safe and sound, by the way), I have written some posts that I'm scheduling to publish this week. So maybe the Garden won't be so quiet after all ...

I don't know if you have a Kindle e-reader or have ever used one before, but there's something particularly distinctive about reading on a Kindle. Kindles technically don't have pages. When I read a book I don't turn page one to page two to page three. I see the percentage of how much I've read of that book. So, say the book I'm reading is forty chapters, and I reach chapter ten. I won't be on page one hundred or one hundred and twenty. I'll be at 25%. The farther I get into the book, the higher the percentage tracker on the bottom of the device goes.

Last week I wrote about the chronological reading plan I'm using this year to read through my Bible. The plan, comprised by George Guthrie, is put together in a book called Reading God's Story. This book is a little unusual to me, for every year I've read through my Bible reading plan from an actual paper and ink Bible. This year, though, I'm reading on my Kindle. Reading God's Story was already owned by my dad and so instead of purchasing a paperback copy, I was able to read his - but it's an e-version of the book so it's on my Kindle.

All this to be able to share some exciting news with you: as of yesterday I have read 3% of the entire Bible this year! That means approximately 32 chapters of Genesis, a few Psalms and the first few verses of John 1. What a blessing to be able to read God's Word in a free country without fear of persecution. I don't need to be afraid to read my Bible in public, in private, at home, in the park, outside, inside, wherever, whenever, I can rejoice in "reading God's story"!

Where are you in God's story right now? The beginning at Genesis? The end at Revelation? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in the Bible, rejoice that you have the freedom to read God's glorious Word and let us thank Him for it!